Thursday, February 9, 2012

Health & Belly Dancing

Dancing is a good cardio-vascular work out and helps
increase flexibility. It is suitable for all ages and body
types and can be as physical as the dancer chooses to
make it. Combined with a healthy diet that involves
sensible eating, raks sharki can without a doubt be part
of a sound weight loss program.
Mental health benefits, for many belly dancers, include
an improved sense of wellbeing, elevated body image
and self-esteem as well as a generally positive outlook
that comes with regular enjoyable exercise. In this day
and age of almost continuous stress, the subtle
rhythms of raks sharki and the traditional movements
are calming. The repetitive movements of the dance
and the concentration needed to do them can help a
mind filled with daily stress to "let go" for a while and
relax. One effect of stress is that our bodies tense up,
causing contractions or spasms in muscle groups, such
as those in the neck, shoulders, or back. When a muscle
is contracted, lactic acid builds up causing the
"soreness" or pain that occurs. Blood flow to the affected
muscles decreases as well.

Life Extension Optimized Saffron with Satiereal Roduve Healthcare Soltuions

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